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SAP - Satisfactory Academic Progress

Monroe Community College (MCC) expects students to remain in good academic standing. MCC reviews satisfactory academic progress (SAP) by term (fall, spring*, summer). Students are expected to earn a GPA of 2.0 or higher and maintain progress towards degree completion. Cumulative GPA is defined as the average of a student’s course history at MCC and only includes credit-bearing course work. When reviewing academic progress for SAP, however, remedial and repeated courses are included. A student who falls below satisfactory academic progress standards and/or does not complete the required percentage of courses for the term, will be placed on Academic Warning. Persistent SAP concerns will result in students being placed on Academic Restriction. Students who Appeal may be placed on Academic Probation. *Spring evaluation includes intersession courses.

Open the SAP Appeal Form.

For tips on completing your appeal, visit the SAP Appeals Resource Page.

Satisfactory Academic Progress:

Monroe Community College’s Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy stipulates that:

  • Students must have a minimum cumulative SAP GPA of 2.0, including remedial and repeated courses
  • Student credit completion must equal 67% of credit-bearing courses in the current term
  • Students must complete their educational program in no longer than 150% of the published length of their educational program
Evaluation of Academic Standing

MCC calculates academic standing at the end of fall, spring, and summer terms based upon the student’s progress towards degree completion. Completed credits include grades of A, B, C, and D (+/-). Attempted credits include, but are not limited to, developmental credits, ESOL credits, and all credit-bearing courses All courses, including repeats and grades of F, count as attempted (except drops).Incomplete Grades (I) and Withdrawals (W, WI) will count as attempted hours, but will not count as successful completion. Repeated courses count as earned only once. Student’s placed on Academic Warning or Restriction at the end of the semester will be notified via their MCC email.

Academic Warning

When students fail to meet SAP, they are placed on Academic Warning for a period of one semester. Students placed on Academic Warning are directed to receive academic advisement prior to registering for the next semester. Academic advisement support is documented on an academic improvement plan completed by an advisor. It is to students’ advantage to repeat a course(s) in which they received a "D" or "F" in order to raise their cumulative GPA. Graduation at MCC is based on an overall 2.0 GPA of MCC credits. After the warning semester, the warning status is removed if students successfully meet SAP. If students fail to meet SAP after the warning period, they will be placed on Academic Restriction.

Academic Restriction

Students who have been placed on Academic Restriction have two options for continuing their studies at Monroe Community College:

  1. Students may "Appeal" to the Academic Appeals Committee for consideration to continue their studies without any registration restrictions. Appeals can only be made based on extraordinary circumstances that occurred during the term(s) in which the student failed to meet SAP requirements. The appeal must be submitted in writing via the online appeal form and must indicate to the committee the reason(s) for unsatisfactory achievement during the past semester, how those circumstances are now resolved, and plans for improvement. Students will be notified via MCC email of the committee's decision. If the appeal is approved, students will be moved to Academic Probation and allowed to continue their studies without any restrictions and with eligibility to apply for federal financial aid.

  2. Students who choose not to appeal or the appeal is denied will remain on Academic Restriction. They will be responsible for payment of their tuition and fees at their own expense and will be limited to a maximum of eight credits. Students will be directed to seek assistance from their academic advisor or a counselor in planning their course of study in order to register for the next semester. Students will be given an academic plan to support moving towards satisfactory academic progress. It is to students’ advantage to repeat a course(s) in which they received a "D" or "F" in order to raise the cumulative GPA. Graduation at MCC is based on an overall 2.0 GPA of MCC credits. Students on Academic Restriction are not eligible to receive financial aid through the Federal Student Aid programs.

Academic Probation

Students who have their appeals approved will be placed on Academic Probation and allowed to continue their studies with possible credit restrictions, as determined by the Appeals Committee. They will be directed to seek advisement and to create an academic plan to move towards SAP. They will be eligible to apply for financial aid through the Federal Financial Aid programs. The student’s academic progress will be reviewed to evaluate if the student is in good academic standing at the end of the term. The probation status will be extended for another semester if they meet the following criteria:

  • Complete successfully 100% of the credits attempted for the semester, and
  • Earn a minimum GPA of 2.0 during that semester.
If the student fails to meet these requirements after the probation period on appeal, the student will be placed on Academic Restriction.

Maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress

Students who have been placed on Academic Restriction and have not had an appeal approved will remain in that status until they make up their academic deficiencies to regain good academic standing. Students can regain good academic standing by successfully completing additional credits at their own expense for as many terms as needed for the student to rehabilitate their academic record. Students who accrue additional credits for the intent to regain good academic standing, will still be evaluated for pace in the educational program. Students who regain good academic standing will also regain their eligibility to receive financial aid through the Federal Aid Programs.*

*Academic eligibility for NYS Financial Aid Programs is determined by New York State regulations. Regaining good academic standing for MCC may not automatically reestablish academic eligibility for NYS Financial Aid Programs.

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